Lowongan Kerja Gunung Sewu LEAD Program dari Grup Gunung Sewu untuk Lulusan S1, Cek Syarat dan Cara Daftarnya

- 11 Agustus 2023, 15:15 WIB
Ilustrasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Grup Gunung Sewu
Ilustrasi lowongan kerja terbaru dari Grup Gunung Sewu /QuinceCreative/pixabay

What is LEAD Program?


LEAD is one of Indonesia’s best management trainee programs based on the feedback of the trainees who have gone through it and who similarly went through other companies’ MT Program.

LEAD was developed by the Gunung Sewu Group to harness the potential of fresh Indonesian graduates into future business leaders in Gunung Sewu Group.


Program Structure


The selected future leaders will go through an intensive two-months boot camp that will equip them with skills on business strategy, continuous improvement, financial acumen, and leadership competencies.

This is followed by on the job assignment for six months each in at least three businesses that expose them to manufacturing, sales and other business processes. Graduates of the program become well rounded business leaders ready to handle a myriad of challenges.



Editor: Moh Eko Suprayitno

Sumber: Disnakerja


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